HackCon2017-Steg-writeup 发表于 2017-08-27 | 分类于 writeup:MISC | 阅读次数 HackCon2017-Steg-writeup Standard Steg12I hacked my friend's facebook, by seeing his chrome password. I am smart, right?Anyways, he sent this image to one of his friends, idk what it is, looks like a useless logo, can you check? 123456789101112131415161718192021222324def asciiToBin(ascii): return ''.join(str(bin(ord(byte)))[2:].zfill(8) for byte in ascii)def hide(img, data, outName): header, trailer = 2*"11001100",2*"0101010100000000" dataBin = header+asciiToBin(data)+trailer pixels, mode = list(img.getdata()), img.mode newPixels = [] for i in range(len(dataBin)): newPixel = list(pixels[i]) newPixel[i%len(mode)] = setLSB(newPixel[i%len(mode)], dataBin[i]) newPixels.append(tuple(newPixel)) newData = newPixels + pixels[len(newPixels):] img.putdata(newData) img.save(outName, "PNG")def setLSB(target, value): binary = str(bin(target))[2:] if binary[-1] != value: binary = binary[:-1] + value return int(binary, 2) 微信扫码加入知识星球【漏洞百出】 点击图片放大,扫码知识星球【漏洞百出】 本文标题:HackCon2017-Steg-writeup 文章作者:chybeta 发布时间:2017年08月27日 - 10:08 最后更新:2017年08月29日 - 16:08 原始链接:http://chybeta.github.io/2017/08/27/HackCon2017-Steg-writeup/ 许可协议: 署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际 转载请保留原文链接及作者。